App startup reimagines communication with a simple idea and a digital platform that could change the world.
Client: Kovii™ is a new communications app that allows you to make yourself available to groups of people based on your availability. Kovii CEO came up with an idea: Making authentic social initiation more convenient — group your friends, family and coworkers into “circles” then send those groups notifications when you’re free to chat. People answer your notification and call you if they’re free. It’s a simple concept with a potentially world-changing, “better relationships” impact.
Case: But how do you go from an idea… to an actual app… to viral integration? When Kovii came to us, they were using their mobile development agency as a one-stop shop for the app brand, marketing strategy AND coding as they began wire framing the UI.
They came to us initially for a brand consultation, feeling dissatisfied with their current logo, and knowing that they needed a plan and a partner.
Result: We stepped in to partner with Kovii through the ideation and launch phase. What started with an initial logo contract evolved into trust in our capabilities and led to our building out a robust brand platform complete with media content, a full suite of branded materials, messaging, web design, promo videos, press materials, marketing strategies, and ongoing consultation. We assisted with UI design for the app and partnered in launching the app on the App Store.
Upon completion of our contract, we were able to empower the Kovii team with a comprehensive marketing platform which is currently being used to take the app to the next level of development. [Kovii is available to iPhone users and is currently in development for use on Android phones.] You can download the Kovii App on the App Store for free.
ClientKoviiServicesbrand development, design, messaging, social media, digital marketing, videoYear2020Link[case study link here]