Prize Package

Your handcrafted, fully custom logo includes:

  • 1 hour discovery session. 2 rounds of changes. 
  • Round 1: 3 initial logo options based on discovery session. 30 minute evaluation session.
  • Round 2: 1 final logo option based on evaluation session. 15 minute evaluation session for micro changes. Final logo delivery. (Valued at $1500)

Final logo files include print and digital file package (including brand one-sheet). Additional changes, logo options, or requests beyond the above scope are available at the agency rate.

Enter to Win

See contest rules below.

    Click 'sign up for emails' below for your free entry.

    Win a Free Logo Rules

    Winner will be selected through random drawing on 6/31/2023 and announced on social media. Winner will be contacted through same method used for entry. Winner has three days after being contacted to claim prize and schedule discovery session. Winner may forfeit prize for failure to contact Denton Experience within three days of notification. After initial contact, communication will be via email, phone, or video conference in English and between 9am and 5pm Eastern Time on weekdays. Communication method is at the discretion of Denton Experience. All design services will terminate 7/31 regardless of status of project. Denton Experience reserves the right to implement a time cap on design work at their sole discretion. Project will be terminated at end of scope of work regardless of winner's satisfaction of the final logo. Logo design will be completed by Denton Experience. SCOPE OF WORK: 1) One hour discovery session via phone or videoconference to discuss logo concepts; 2) Round one of design includes three logo design concepts for consideration based off results of discovery session; 3) Half hour evaluation session via phone or videoconference to discuss round one logos and choose logo concept for further design and refinement; 4) Round two of design to develop final final logo concept based on evaluation session. 5) Fifteen minute evaluation session to discuss micro changes to final logo. 6) Delivery of logo files will be via dropbox and include .pdf, .jpg, .png files of logo formatted for both print and digital. Logo design valued at $1500. Additional changes, logo options, or requests beyond the above scope of work may be available at the discretion of Denton Experience and at the agency rate.  Entries will be accepted by 1) entering to win at, and 2) tagging an account in a comment on Win A Free Logo social media announcement AND liking corresponding social media page on either Facebook or Instagram. Each website sign up with unique email, or social media comment with a tagged account on announcement post will earn an additional entry. Unlimited entries available. No purchase necessary. Entrants agree to receive marketing emails from Denton Experience. Denton Experience will not sell or share your data. Any evidence of fake or fraudulent social media accounts or email addresses used or tagged will result in disqualification. By entering you agree to rules. Void where prohibited by law. Odds of winning are based on number of entries.